Scientific institutes carry out fundamental scientific research, applied scientific research, innovative and consulting activities in the field of the agrarian sector and food. 

img Name: Institute of Plant Genetic Resources "Konstantin Malkov" - Sadovo

Address: 4122 Садово, бул. „Дружба” 2

Phone number: +359 32 629 026

img Name: Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture - Plovdiv

Address: гр. Пловдив, 4003; ул. “Васил Левски” 248

Phone number: +359 32 956 033

img Name: Institute of Fish Resources - Varna

Address: 9000 Варна, бул. „Приморски” 4

Phone number: +359 52 632 066

img Name: Maize Research Institute - Knezha

Address: 5835 Кнежа

Phone number: +359 9132 71 63

img Name: Institute for Roses and Aromatic Plants - Kazanlak

Address: 6100 Казанлък, бул. „Освобождение” 49

Phone number: +359 431 620 39

img Name: Institute of Tobacco and Tobacco Products

Address: 4108 с. Марково, област Пловдив

Phone number: +359 32 672 364

img Name: Institute of Forage Crops - Pleven

Address: 5800 Плевен, Ул. „Генерал Владимир Вазов” 89, 5800 Pleven, St. "General Vladimir Vazov" 89

Phone number: +359 64 805 882
